Ray Parkar

An unstructured collection of thoughts about building products.

The six basic principles of great product teams.

I was recently talking to a Tech Lead about some of the basic principles behind what great teams do when building great products from a tech perspective.

He asked me if I had a presentation ready to go as I’d recently been up in front of people talking about this a hell of a lot. I was caught off-guard in that moment and didn’t have anything to hand, however I was able to quickly put together a list of the 6 things I think great teams do when building products and it made both of us chuckle because of how simple it was.

I figured I’d share them here, and excuse the language, these were taken verbatim.

• Build your shit — You’ve got to actually build the product
• Run your shit — You’ve got to get it deployed and running
• Monitor your shit — You’ve got to be able to tell when it’s working and when it isn’t.
• Fix your shit — You’ve got to fix it whenever something goes wrong.
• Love your shit — You’ve got to to give it the attention and care it deserves, updating dependencies and removing tech debt.
• Be your shit — You’ve got to be invested in the product, understanding it and looking to make it better all the time.

These are the 6 things that came to mind as a snappy baseline, and the more I think about them, the more I like them.